首要用到了sd card官网上的几个文档,《SD Specifications Part 1 Physical Layer Simplified Specification Version 4.10 January 22, 2013》里面讲了SD卡内部的寄存器,一般的时序。还有《SD Specifications Part A1 Advanced Security SD Extension Simplified Specification Version 2.00 May 18, 2010》和《SD Specifications Part A2 SD Host Controller Simplified Specification Version 3.00 February 25, 2011》都供给了一些信息。别的一个《SD Specifications Part E1 SDIO Simplified Specification Version 3.00 February 25, 2011》是说SDIO的,是以SDIO为接口的衍生品,包含SDIO wifi等等。这些文档都能够在
#include#include typedef unsigned int u_size;int main(){u_size a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0;//CSD = 003e00325b5a83c5e597ffff12800000a = 0x003e0032; //[127:96]b = 0x5b5a83c5; //[95 :64]c = 0xe597ffff; //[63 :32]d = 0x12800000; //[31 :0 ]u_size CSD_STRUCTURE = a / (u_size)pow(2,30) & 0x3; // [127:126 - 96]u_size TAAC = a/(u_size)pow(2,16) & 0xff; // [119:112]u_size NSAC = a/(u_size)pow(2,8) & 0xff; // [111:104]u_size TRAN_SPEED = a/(u_size)pow(2,0) & 0xff; // [103:96 - 96]u_size CCC = b/(u_size)pow(2,20) & 0xfff;u_size READ_BL_LEN = b/(u_size)pow(2,16) & 0xf; // [83:80-64]u_size READ_BL_PARTIA = b/(u_size)pow(2,15) & 0x1;u_size WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN = b/(u_size)pow(2,14) & 0x1;u_size READ_BLK_MISALIGN = b/(u_size)pow(2,13) & 0x1;u_size DSR_IMP = b/(u_size)pow(2,12) & 0x1;u_size C_SIZE = (b & 0x3ff)*(u_size)pow(2,2) \+ ((c /(u_size)pow(2,30)) & 0x3); // [73:62]u_size VDD_R_CURR_MIN = c/(u_size)pow(2,27) & 0x7;u_size VDD_R_CURR_MAX = c/(u_size)pow(2,24) & 0x7;u_size VDD_W_CURR_MIN = c/(u_size)pow(2,21) & 0x7;u_size VDD_W_CURR_MAX = c/(u_size)pow(2,18) & 0x7;u_size C_SIZE_MULT = c/(u_size)pow(2,15) & 0x7; // [49:47]u_size ERASE_BLK_EN = d/(u_size)pow(2,14) & 0x1;u_size SECTOR_SIZE = d/(u_size)pow(2,7) & 0xef;u_size WP_GRP_SIZE = c/(u_size)pow(2,0) & 0xef;u_size WP_GRP_ENABLE = d/(u_size)pow(2,31) & 0x1;u_size R2W_FACTOR = d/(u_size)pow(2,26) & 0x7;u_size WRITE_BL_LEN = d/(u_size)pow(2,22) & 0xf;u_size WRITE_BL_PARTIAL = d/(u_size)pow(2,21) & 0x1;u_size TMP_WRITE_PROTECT = d/(u_size)pow(2,12) & 0x1;u_size FILE_FORMAT = d/(u_size)pow(2,10) & 0x3;u_size CRC = d/(u_size)pow(2,1) & 0xff;long C = (C_SIZE + 1) * pow(2, (C_SIZE_MULT+2)) * pow(2, READ_BL_LEN);// C = (3863 + 1) * 512 * 1024printf(" 1. CSD_STRUCTURE = 0x%x\n", CSD_STRUCTURE);printf(" 3. TAAC = 0x%x\n", TAAC);printf(" 4. NSAC = 0x%x\n", NSAC);printf(" 5. TRAN_SPEED = 0x%x (0x32==>25MHz;0x5a==>50MHz)\n", TRAN_SPEED);printf(" 6. CCC = 0x%x\n", CCC);printf(" 7. READ_BL_LEN = %d\n", READ_BL_LEN);printf(" 8. READ_BL_PARTIA = %d\n", READ_BL_PARTIA);printf(" 9. WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN = %d\n", WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN);printf("10. READ_BLK_MISALIGN = %d\n", READ_BLK_MISALIGN);printf("11. DSR_IMP = %d\n", DSR_IMP);printf("12. / *No Use* /\n");printf("13. C_SIZE = %d\n", C_SIZE);printf("14. VDD_R_CURR_MIN = %d\n", VDD_R_CURR_MIN);printf("15. VDD_R_CURR_MAX = %d\n", VDD_R_CURR_MAX);printf("16. VDD_W_CURR_MIN = %d\n", VDD_W_CURR_MIN);printf("17. VDD_W_CURR_MAX = %d\n", VDD_W_CURR_MAX);printf("18. C_SIZE_MULT = %d\t""(本SD卡容量 = %f G)\n", C_SIZE_MULT, (float)C/1073741824);printf("19. ERASE_BLK_EN = 0x%x\n", ERASE_BLK_EN);printf("20. SECTOR_SIZE = 0x%x\n", SECTOR_SIZE);printf("21. WP_GRP_SIZE = 0x%x\n", WP_GRP_SIZE);printf("22. WP_GRP_ENABLE = 0x%x\n", WP_GRP_ENABLE);printf("23. / *No Use* /\n");printf("24. R2W_FACTOR = 0x%x\n", R2W_FACTOR);printf("25. WRITE_BL_LEN = 0x%x\n", WRITE_BL_LEN);printf("26. WRITE_BL_PARTIAL = 0x%x\n", WRITE_BL_PARTIAL);printf("31. TMP_WRITE_PROTECT = 0x%x\n", TMP_WRITE_PROTECT);printf("32. FILE_FORMAT = 0x%x\n", FILE_FORMAT);printf("34. CRC = 0x%x\t", CRC);return 0;}
/* @file sdi.c* @brief sd卡 读写* @details 本程序完成了,读SD卡的CSD寄存器;读写SD卡,并用LED显现。* 程序正常:led1首要点亮,然后是0-15的二进制显现* 程序犯错:led2首要点亮,然后是乱无序的二进制显现* 现在只能读写2G以下的SD卡* (发动代码是适用于mini2440 nand 256M的开发板)* 读写SD有三种形式:中止,DMA中止,查询。本程序运用的是查询* @author kangear* @date 2013-4-26* @version A001* @par Copyright (c):* XXX公司* @par History:* version: author, date, desc\n** docs 1.SD Specifications Part 1 Physical Layer Simplified Specification Version 4.10 January 22, 2013.pdf* 2.SD Specifications Part A1 Advanced Security SD Extension Simplified Specification Version 2.00 May 18, 2010.pdf* 3.SD Specifications Part A2 SD Host Controller Simplified Specification Version 3.00 February 25, 2011.pdf* 4.SD Specifications Part E1 SDIO Simplified Specification Version 3.00 February 25, 2011.pdf** download addr:https://www.sdcard.org/downloads/pls/simplified_specs/*///#include//#include #include "def.h"//#include "option.h"//#include "2440addr.h"#include "s3c24xx.h"//#include "2440lib.h"#include "sdi.h"/** 用在SDICCON中的[7:0] 现在没有搞懂它的实际意义* CMD1 = MAGIC_NUMBER | 1*/#define MAGIC_NUMBER 64#define INICLK 300000#define SDCLK 24000000 //PCLK=49.392MHz#define POL 0#define INT 1#define DMA 2int CMD13(void); // Send card statusint CMD9(void);unsigned int *Tx_buffer; //128[word]*16[blk]=8192[byte]unsigned int *Rx_buffer; //128[word]*16[blk]=8192[byte]volatile unsigned int rd_cnt;volatile unsigned int wt_cnt;volatile unsigned int block;volatile unsigned int TR_end=0;int Wide=0; // 0:1bit, 1:4bitint MMC=0; // 0:SD , 1:MMCint Maker_ID;char Product_Name[7]; int Serial_Num;int PCLK = 50000000;volatile int RCA;void Test_SDI(void){U32 save_rGPEUP, save_rGPECON;RCA=0;MMC=0;block=3072; //3072Blocks=1.5MByte, ((2Block=1024Byte)*1024Block=1MByte)save_rGPEUP=GPEUP;save_rGPECON=GPECON;GPEUP = 0xf83f; // SDCMD, SDDAT[3:0] => PU En.GPECON = 0xaaaaaaaa; //SDCMD, SDDAT[3:0]//Uart_Printf("\nSDI Card Write and Read Test\n");if(!SD_card_init())return;TR_Buf_new();Wt_Block();Rd_Block();View_Rx_buf();Card_sel_desel(0); // Card deselectif(!CMD9())//Uart_Printf("Get CSD fail!!!\n");SDIDCON=0;//tark???SDICSTA=0xffff;GPEUP=save_rGPEUP;GPECON=save_rGPECON;}void TR_Buf_new(void){//-- Tx & Rx Buffer initializeint i, j;Tx_buffer=(unsigned int *)0x31000000;j=0;for(i=0;i<2048;i++) //128[word]*16[blk]=8192[byte]*(Tx_buffer+i)=i+j;Flush_Rx_buf();}void Flush_Rx_buf(void){//-- Flushing Rx buffer int i;Rx_buffer=(unsigned int *)0x31800000;for(i=0;i<2048;i++) //128[word]*16[blk]=8192[byte]*(Rx_buffer+i)=0;//Uart_Printf("End Rx buffer flush\n");}void View_Rx_buf(){//-- Display Rx buffer int i,error=0;Tx_buffer=(unsigned int *)0x31000000;Rx_buffer=(unsigned int *)0x31800000;//Uart_Printf("Check Rx data\n");for(i=0;i<128*block;i++){if(Rx_buffer[i] != Tx_buffer[i]){//Uart_Printf("\nTx/Rx error\n");//Uart_Printf("%d:Tx-0x%08x, Rx-0x%08x\n",i,Tx_buffer[i], Rx_buffer[i]);error=1;break;}////Uart_Printf(".");}if(!error){//Uart_Printf("\nThe Tx_buffer is same to Rx_buffer!\n");//Uart_Printf("SD CARD Write and Read test is OK!\n");}}void View_Tx_buf(void){}int SD_card_init(void){//-- SD controller & card initialize int i;/* Important notice for MMC test condition *//* Cmd & Data lines must be enabled by pull up resister */SDIPRE=PCLK/(INICLK)-1; // 400KHz//Uart_Printf("Init. Frequency is %dHz\n",(PCLK/(SDIPRE+1)));SDICON=(1<<4)|1; // Type B, clk enableSDIFSTA=SDIFSTA|(1<<16); //YH 040223 FIFO resetSDIBSIZE=0x200; // 512byte(128word)SDIDTIMER=0x7fffff; // Set timeout countfor(i=0;i<0x1000;i++); // Wait 74SDCLK for MMC cardCMD0();//Uart_Printf("In idle\n");//-- Check SD card OCRif(!Chk_SD_OCR()){// failGPBDAT = (~(2<<5)); // 点亮LED2//Uart_Printf("Initialize fail\nNo Card assertion\n");return 0;}// Uart_Printf("In SD ready\n");GPBDAT = (~(1<<5)); // 点亮LED1do{//-- Check attaced cards, it makes card identification stateSDICARG = 0x0; // CMD2(stuff bit)SDICCON = (0x1 << 10) | (0x1 << 9) | (0x1 << 8) | (MAGIC_NUMBER | 2); //lng_resp, wait_resp, start, CMD2//-- Check end of CMD2} while (!Chk_CMDend(2, 1));SDICSTA=0xa00; // Clear cmd_end(with rsp)//Uart_Printf("End id\n");do{//--Send RCASDICARG = MMC << 16; // CMD3(MMC:Set RCA, SD:Ask RCA-->SBZ)SDICCON = (0x1 << 9) | (0x1 << 8) | (MAGIC_NUMBER | 3); // sht_resp, wait_resp, start, CMD3//-- Check end of CMD3if (!Chk_CMDend(3, 1))continue;SDICSTA = 0xa00; // Clear cmd_end(with rsp)//--Publish RCARCA = (SDIRSP0 & 0xffff0000) >> 16;//Uart_Printf("RCA=0x%x\n",RCA);SDIPRE = PCLK / (SDCLK) - 1; // Normal clock=25MHz//Uart_Printf("SD Frequency is %dHz\n",(PCLK/(SDIPRE+1)));//--State(stand-by) checkif (SDIRSP0 & 0x1e00 != 0x600) // CURRENT_STATE checkcontinue;} while (0);//Uart_Printf("In stand-by\n");Card_sel_desel(1); // SelectSet_4bit_bus();return 1;}void Card_sel_desel(char sel_desel){//-- Card select or deselectif(sel_desel){do{SDICARG = RCA << 16; // CMD7(RCA,stuff bit)SDICCON = (0x1 << 9) | (0x1 << 8) | (MAGIC_NUMBER | 7); // sht_resp, wait_resp, start, CMD7//-- Check end of CMD7if (!Chk_CMDend(7, 1))continue;SDICSTA = 0xa00; // Clear cmd_end(with rsp)//--State(transfer) checkif (SDIRSP0 & 0x1e00 != 0x800)continue;} while (0);}else{do{SDICARG = 0 << 16; //CMD7(RCA,stuff bit)SDICCON = (0x1 << 8) | (MAGIC_NUMBER | 7); //no_resp, start, CMD7//-- Check end of CMD7if (!Chk_CMDend(7, 0))continue;} while (0);SDICSTA=0x800; // Clear cmd_end(no rsp)}}//void __irq Rd_Int(void)//{// U32 i,status;//// status=SDIFSTA;// if( (status&0x200) == 0x200 ) // Check Last interrupt?// {// for(i=(status & 0x7f)/4;i>0;i--)// {// *Rx_buffer++=SDIDAT;// rd_cnt++;// }// SDIFSTA=SDIFSTA&0x200; //Clear Rx FIFO Last data Ready, YH 040221// }// else if( (status&0x80) == 0x80 ) // Check Half interrupt?// {// for(i=0;i<8;i++)// {// *Rx_buffer++=SDIDAT;// rd_cnt++;// }// }//// ClearPending(BIT_SDI);//}//void __irq Wt_Int(void)//{// ClearPending(BIT_SDI);//// SDIDAT=*Tx_buffer++;// wt_cnt++;//// if(wt_cnt==128*block)// {// rINTMSK |= BIT_SDI;// SDIDAT=*Tx_buffer;// TR_end=1;// }//}////void __irq DMA_end(void)//{// ClearPending(BIT_DMA0);//// TR_end=1;//}void Rd_Block(void){U32 mode;int status;rd_cnt=0; //Uart_Printf("Block read test[ Polling read ]\n");mode = 0 ;SDIFSTA=SDIFSTA|(1<<16); // FIFO resetif(mode!=2)SDIDCON=(2<<22)|(1<<19)|(1<<17)|(Wide<<16)|(1<<14)|(2<<12)|(block<<0); //YH 040220SDICARG=0x0; // CMD17/18(addr)RERDCMD:switch(mode){case POL:if(block<2) // SINGLE_READ{SDICCON=(0x1<<9)|(0x1<<8)|(MAGIC_NUMBER | 17); // sht_resp, wait_resp, dat, start, CMD17if(!Chk_CMDend(17, 1)) //-- Check end of CMD17goto RERDCMD; }else // MULTI_READ{SDICCON=(0x1<<9)|(0x1<<8)|(MAGIC_NUMBER | 18); // sht_resp, wait_resp, dat, start, CMD18if(!Chk_CMDend(18, 1)) //-- Check end of CMD18 goto RERDCMD;}SDICSTA=0xa00; // Clear cmd_end(with rsp)while(rd_cnt<128*block) // 512*block bytes{if((SDIDSTA&0x20)==0x20) // Check timeout{SDIDSTA=(0x1<<0x5); // Clear timeout flagbreak;}status=SDIFSTA;if((status&0x1000)==0x1000) // Is Rx data?{*Rx_buffer++=SDIDAT;rd_cnt++;}}break;// case INT:// pISR_SDI=(unsigned)Rd_Int;// rINTMSK = ~(BIT_SDI);//// rSDIIMSK=5; // Last & Rx FIFO half int.//// if(block<2) // SINGLE_READ// {// SDICCON=(0x1<<9)|(0x1<<8)|(MAGIC_NUMBER | 17); // sht_resp, wait_resp, dat, start, CMD17// if(!Chk_CMDend(17, 1)) //-- Check end of CMD17// goto RERDCMD;// }// else // MULTI_READ// {// SDICCON=(0x1<<9)|(0x1<<8)|(MAGIC_NUMBER | 18); // sht_resp, wait_resp, dat, start, CMD18// if(!Chk_CMDend(18, 1)) //-- Check end of CMD18// goto RERDCMD;// }//// SDICSTA=0xa00; // Clear cmd_end(with rsp)//// while(rd_cnt<128*block);//// rINTMSK |= (BIT_SDI);// rSDIIMSK=0; // All mask// break;//// case DMA:// pISR_DMA0=(unsigned)DMA_end;// rINTMSK = ~(BIT_DMA0);// SDIDCON=SDIDCON|(1<<24); //YH 040227, Burst4 Enable//// rDISRC0=(int)(SDIDAT); // SDIDAT// rDISRCC0=(1<<1)+(1<<0); // APB, fix// rDIDST0=(U32)(Rx_buffer); // Rx_buffer// rDIDSTC0=(0<<1)+(0<<0); // AHB, inc// rDCON0=(1<<31)+(0<<30)+(1<<29)+(0<<28)+(0<<27)+(2<<24)+(1<<23)+(1<<22)+(2<<20)+128*block;//// rDMASKTRIG0=(0<<2)+(1<<1)+0; //no-stop, DMA2 channel on, no-sw trigger//// SDIDCON=(2<<22)|(1<<19)|(1<<17)|(Wide<<16)|(1<<15)|(1<<14)|(2<<12)|(block<<0);// if(block<2) // SINGLE_READ// {// SDICCON=(0x1<<9)|(0x1<<8)|(MAGIC_NUMBER | 17); // sht_resp, wait_resp, dat, start, CMD17// if(!Chk_CMDend(17, 1)) //-- Check end of CMD17// goto RERDCMD;// }// else // MULTI_READ// {// SDICCON=(0x1<<9)|(0x1<<8)|(MAGIC_NUMBER | 18); // sht_resp, wait_resp, dat, start, CMD18// if(!Chk_CMDend(18, 1)) //-- Check end of CMD18// goto RERDCMD;// }//// SDICSTA=0xa00; // Clear cmd_end(with rsp)// while(!TR_end);// ////Uart_Printf("SDIFSTA=0x%x\n",SDIFSTA);// rINTMSK |= (BIT_DMA0);// TR_end=0;// rDMASKTRIG0=(1<<2); //DMA0 stop// break;default:break;}//-- Check end of DATAif(!Chk_DATend()) //Uart_Printf("dat error\n");SDIDCON=SDIDCON&~(7<<12);SDIFSTA=SDIFSTA&0x200; //Clear Rx FIFO Last data Ready, YH 040221SDIDSTA=0x10; // Clear data Tx/Rx end detectif(block>1){RERCMD12: //--Stop cmd(CMD12)SDICARG=0x0; //CMD12(stuff bit)SDICCON=(0x1<<9)|(0x1<<8)|(MAGIC_NUMBER | 12);//sht_resp, wait_resp, start, CMD12//-- Check end of CMD12if(!Chk_CMDend(12, 1)) goto RERCMD12;SDICSTA=0xa00; // Clear cmd_end(with rsp)}}void Wt_Block(void){U32 mode;int status;wt_cnt=0; //Uart_Printf("Block write test[ Polling write ]\n");mode = 0 ;SDIFSTA=SDIFSTA|(1<<16); //YH 040223 FIFO resetif(mode!=2)SDIDCON=(2<<22)|(1<<20)|(1<<17)|(Wide<<16)|(1<<14)|(3<<12)|(block<<0); //YH 040220SDICARG=0x0; // CMD24/25(addr)REWTCMD:switch(mode){case POL:if(block<2) // SINGLE_WRITE{SDICCON=(0x1<<9)|(0x1<<8)|(MAGIC_NUMBER | 24); //sht_resp, wait_resp, dat, start, CMD24if(!Chk_CMDend(24, 1)) //-- Check end of CMD24goto REWTCMD;}else // MULTI_WRITE{SDICCON=(0x1<<9)|(0x1<<8)|(MAGIC_NUMBER | 25); //sht_resp, wait_resp, dat, start, CMD25if(!Chk_CMDend(25, 1)) //-- Check end of CMD25goto REWTCMD; }SDICSTA=0xa00; // Clear cmd_end(with rsp)while(wt_cnt<128*block){status=SDIFSTA;if((status&0x2000)==0x2000) {SDIDAT=*Tx_buffer++;wt_cnt++;////Uart_Printf("Block No.=%d, wt_cnt=%d\n",block,wt_cnt);}}break;// case INT:// pISR_SDI=(unsigned)Wt_Int;// rINTMSK = ~(BIT_SDI);//// rSDIIMSK=0x10; // Tx FIFO half int.//// if(block<2) // SINGLE_WRITE// {// SDICCON=(0x1<<9)|(0x1<<8)|(MAGIC_NUMBER | 24); //sht_resp, wait_resp, dat, start, CMD24// if(!Chk_CMDend(24, 1)) //-- Check end of CMD24// goto REWTCMD;// }// else // MULTI_WRITE// {// SDICCON=(0x1<<9)|(0x1<<8)|(MAGIC_NUMBER | 25); //sht_resp, wait_resp, dat, start, CMD25// if(!Chk_CMDend(25, 1)) //-- Check end of CMD25// goto REWTCMD;// }//// SDICSTA=0xa00; // Clear cmd_end(with rsp)//// while(!TR_end);// //while(wt_cnt<128);//// rINTMSK |= (BIT_SDI);// TR_end=0;// rSDIIMSK=0; // All mask// break;//// case DMA:// pISR_DMA0=(unsigned)DMA_end;// rINTMSK = ~(BIT_DMA0);// SDIDCON=SDIDCON|(1<<24); //YH 040227, Burst4 Enable//// rDISRC0=(int)(Tx_buffer); // Tx_buffer// rDISRCC0=(0<<1)+(0<<0); // AHB, inc// rDIDST0=(U32)(SDIDAT); // SDIDAT// rDIDSTC0=(1<<1)+(1<<0); // APB, fix// rDCON0=(1<<31)+(0<<30)+(1<<29)+(0<<28)+(0<<27)+(2<<24)+(1<<23)+(1<<22)+(2<<20)+128*block;// //handshake, sync PCLK, TC int, single tx, single service, SDI, H/W request,// //auto-reload off, word, 128blk*num// rDMASKTRIG0=(0<<2)+(1<<1)+0; //no-stop, DMA0 channel on, no-sw trigger//// SDIDCON=(2<<22)|(1<<20)|(1<<17)|(Wide<<16)|(1<<15)|(1<<14)|(3<<12)|(block<<0); //YH 040220//// // Word Tx, Tx after rsp, blk, 4bit bus, dma enable, Tx start, blk num// if(block<2) // SINGLE_WRITE// {// SDICCON=(0x1<<9)|(0x1<<8)|(MAGIC_NUMBER | 24); //sht_resp, wait_resp, dat, start, CMD24// if(!Chk_CMDend(24, 1)) //-- Check end of CMD24// goto REWTCMD;// }// else // MULTI_WRITE// {// SDICCON=(0x1<<9)|(0x1<<8)|(MAGIC_NUMBER | 25); //sht_resp, wait_resp, dat, start, CMD25// if(!Chk_CMDend(25, 1)) //-- Check end of CMD25// goto REWTCMD;// }//// SDICSTA=0xa00; // Clear cmd_end(with rsp)//// while(!TR_end);//// rINTMSK |= (BIT_DMA0);// TR_end=0;// rDMASKTRIG0=(1<<2); //DMA0 stop//// break;default:break;}//-- Check end of DATAif(!Chk_DATend()) //Uart_Printf("dat error\n");SDIDCON=SDIDCON&~(7<<12); //YH 040220, Clear Data Transfer mode => no operation, Cleata Data Transfer startSDIDSTA=0x10; // Clear data Tx/Rx endif(block>1){//--Stop cmd(CMD12)REWCMD12: SDIDCON=(1<<18)|(1<<17)|(0<<16)|(1<<14)|(1<<12)|(block<<0); //YH 040220SDICARG=0x0; //CMD12(stuff bit)SDICCON=(0x1<<9)|(0x1<<8)|(MAGIC_NUMBER | 12); //sht_resp, wait_resp, start, CMD12//-- Check end of CMD12if(!Chk_CMDend(12, 1)) goto REWCMD12;SDICSTA=0xa00; // Clear cmd_end(with rsp)//-- Check end of DATA(with busy state)if(!Chk_BUSYend()) //Uart_Printf("error\n");SDIDSTA=0x08; //! Should be cleared by writing 1.}}void Delay(volatile unsigned long dly){for(; dly > 0; dly--);}int Chk_CMDend(int cmd, int be_resp)//0: Timeout{int finish0;if(!be_resp) // No response{finish0=SDICSTA;while((finish0&0x800)!=0x800) // Check cmd endfinish0=SDICSTA;SDICSTA=finish0;// Clear cmd end statereturn 1;}else // With response{finish0=SDICSTA;while( !( ((finish0&0x200)==0x200) | ((finish0&0x400)==0x400) )) // Check cmd/rsp endfinish0=SDICSTA;if(cmd==1 | cmd==41) // CRC no check, CMD9 is a long Resp. command.{if( (finish0&0xf00) != 0xa00 ) // Check error{SDICSTA=finish0; // Clear error stateif(((finish0&0x400)==0x400))return 0; // Timeout error}SDICSTA=finish0; // Clear cmd & rsp end state}else // CRC check{if( (finish0&0x1f00) != 0xa00 ) // Check error{//Uart_Printf("CMD%d:SDICSTA=0x%x, SDIRSP0=0x%x\n",cmd, SDICSTA, SDIRSP0);SDICSTA=finish0; // Clear error stateif(((finish0&0x400)==0x400))return 0; // Timeout error}SDICSTA=finish0;}return 1;}}int Chk_DATend(void){int finish;finish=SDIDSTA;while( !( ((finish&0x10)==0x10) | ((finish&0x20)==0x20) )) // Chek timeout or data endfinish=SDIDSTA;if( (finish&0xfc) != 0x10 ){//Uart_Printf("DATA:finish=0x%x\n", finish);SDIDSTA=0xec; // Clear error statereturn 0;}return 1;}int Chk_BUSYend(void){int finish;finish=SDIDSTA;while( !( ((finish&0x08)==0x08) | ((finish&0x20)==0x20) ))finish=SDIDSTA;if( (finish&0xfc) != 0x08 ){//Uart_Printf("DATA:finish=0x%x\n", finish);SDIDSTA=0xf4; //clear error statereturn 0;}return 1;}void CMD0(void){//-- Make card idle state SDICARG=0x0; // CMD0(stuff bit)SDICCON=(1<<8)|(MAGIC_NUMBER | 0); // No_resp, start, CMD0//-- Check end of CMD0Chk_CMDend(0, 0);SDICSTA=0x800; // Clear cmd_end(no rsp)}int Chk_SD_OCR(void){int i;//-- Negotiate operating condition for SD, it makes card ready statefor(i=0;i<50;i++) //If this time is short, init. can be fail.{CMD55(); // Make ACMDSDICARG=0xff8000; //ACMD41(SD OCR:2.7V~3.6V)SDICCON=(0x1<<9)|(0x1<<8)|(MAGIC_NUMBER | 41);//sht_resp, wait_resp, start, ACMD41//-- Check end of ACMD41if( Chk_CMDend(41, 1) & SDIRSP0==0x80ff8000 ){SDICSTA=0xa00; // Clear cmd_end(with rsp)return 1; // Success }Delay(20000); // Wait Card power up status 1Sec//Delay(200); // Wait Card power up status}////Uart_Printf("SDIRSP0=0x%x\n",SDIRSP0);SDICSTA=0xa00; // Clear cmd_end(with rsp)return 0; // Fail}int CMD55(void){//--Make ACMDSDICARG=RCA<<16; //CMD7(RCA,stuff bit)SDICCON=(0x1<<9)|(0x1<<8)|(MAGIC_NUMBER | 55); //sht_resp, wait_resp, start, CMD55//-- Check end of CMD55if(!Chk_CMDend(55, 1)) return 0;SDICSTA=0xa00; // Clear cmd_end(with rsp)return 1;}int CMD13(void)//SEND_STATUS{int response0;SDICARG=RCA<<16; // CMD13(RCA,stuff bit)SDICCON=(0x1<<9)|(0x1<<8)|(MAGIC_NUMBER | 13); // sht_resp, wait_resp, start, CMD13//-- Check end of CMD13if(!Chk_CMDend(13, 1)) return 0;////Uart_Printf("SDIRSP0=0x%x\n", SDIRSP0);if(SDIRSP0&0x100)////Uart_Printf("Ready for Data\n");//else ////Uart_Printf("Not Ready\n");response0=SDIRSP0;response0 &= 0x3c00;response0 = response0 >> 9;////Uart_Printf("Current Status=%d\n", response0);if(response0==6)Test_SDI();SDICSTA=0xa00; // Clear cmd_end(with rsp)return 1;}int CMD9(void)//SEND_CSD{SDICARG=RCA<<16; // CMD9(RCA,stuff bit)SDICCON=(0x1<<10)|(0x1<<9)|(0x1<<8)|(MAGIC_NUMBER | 9); // long_resp, wait_resp, start, CMD9//Uart_Printf("\nCSD register :\n");//-- Check end of CMD9if(!Chk_CMDend(9, 1)) return 0;//Uart_Printf("SDIRSP0=0x%x\nSDIRSP1=0x%x\nSDIRSP2=0x%x\nSDIRSP3=0x%x\n", SDIRSP0,rSDIRSP1,rSDIRSP2,rSDIRSP3);return 1;}void Set_4bit_bus(void){Wide=1;SetBus();////Uart_Printf("\n4bit bus\n");}void SetBus(void){do{CMD55(); // Make ACMD//-- CMD6 implementSDICARG = Wide << 1; //Wide 0: 1bit, 1: 4bitSDICCON = (0x1 << 9) | (0x1 << 8) | (MAGIC_NUMBER | 6); //sht_resp, wait_resp, start, CMD55if (!Chk_CMDend(6, 1)) // ACMD6continue;SDICSTA = 0xa00; // Clear cmd_end(with rsp)} while (0);}void Set_Prt(void){//-- Set protection addr.0 ~ 262144(32*16*512) //Uart_Printf("[Set protection(addr.0 ~ 262144) test]\n");do{//--Make ACMDSDICARG = 0; // CMD28(addr)SDICCON = (0x1 << 9) | (0x1 << 8) | (MAGIC_NUMBER | 28); //sht_resp, wait_resp, start, CMD28//-- Check end of CMD28if (!Chk_CMDend(28, 1))continue;SDICSTA = 0xa00; // Clear cmd_end(with rsp)} while (0);}void Clr_Prt(void){//-- Clear protection addr.0 ~ 262144(32*16*512) ////Uart_Printf("[Clear protection(addr.0 ~ 262144) test]\n");do{//--Make ACMDSDICARG = 0; // CMD29(addr)SDICCON = (0x1 << 9) | (0x1 << 8) | (MAGIC_NUMBER | 29); //sht_resp, wait_resp, start, CMD29//-- Check end of CMD29if (!Chk_CMDend(29, 1))continue;SDICSTA = 0xa00; // Clear cmd_end(with rsp)} while (0);}