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DeviceNet是一个简略的网络化解决方案,降低了本钱及安装设备和配线的时刻,并供给杰出的交换性,使得多家供货商的产品能够像组件相同能够交换。DeviceNet是一个敞开的网络标准。其标准和协议都是敞开的。供货商不用购买硬件,软件,或答应权限,就能够把设备接入一个DeviceNet体系。其标准文本能够从Open DeviceNet Vendor Association Inc.( ODVA)取得。
DeviceNet在达到很多杂乱设备之间的互操作性的一起,也答应简略设备之间的交换性。DeviceNet通讯衔接根据播送的通讯协议,即CAN协议。1996年,CAN芯片的出货量超越10million片。首要的一些CAN芯片的供货商有Intel, Motorola, Phillips and Hitachi.

总线类型 CSMA/BA, master-to-slave, explicit and solicited messaging. Unsolicited messaging, multiple masters, and peer-to-peer was introduced in early 1996 by the Systems SIG group of the ODVA for approval, conformance review and implementation in 1996 and 1997.
节点总数 64
总线拓扑 带分支线的线性网络
通讯间隔 500 meters full trunk line, 6 meter branches @ 125 kbps
250 meters full trunk line, 6 meter branches @ 250 kbps
100 meters full trunk line, 6 meter branches @ 500 kbps
156 meters accumulative distance of the branches @ 125 kbps
78 meters accumulative distance of the branches @ 250 kbps
39 meters accumulative distance of the branches @ 500 kbps
传输前言 Full trunk line – 2 wire twisted shielded cable with 2 wire bus power
cable and drain wire.Thin trunk line – same as full above but with lesser wire size which is more economical and easier to install.
传输信号 Square wave digital with NRZ (Non Return to Zero) encoding
输入点数 64 bits (allocated in bytes) standard in polling mode, larger fragmented messages are supported.
输出点数 64 bits (allocated in bytes) standard in polling mode 24 bits in explicit messaging. Fragmented messages are also supported.
通讯速率 125 kbps, 250 kbps, 500 kbps
总线电源 8 Amp full trunk line, 4 Amp thin line
重复地址侦测 Yes, nodes announce address on start-up and all listen. If a duplicate address is heard, the duplicate node will not advance to run mode.
从站检测 Yes, a list is programmed in the interface and checked
过错侦测 Yes, CRC
过错纠正 Yes, nodes that detect errors signal the sender to repeat.
地址设定 Off line via hand held programmer or with a dedicated interface and host.本文来自织梦
On line via the interface master using a reserved newcomer default address that is changed to an application address. Dip/rotary switches are optional.
节点参数编程 Can be very extensive to include drive/rotational and instrument parameters
前史 The early days of DeviceNet were essentially Allen-Bradley. In 1992, Allen-Bradley started to share information and invite not only strategic partners, but direct competitors to become DeviceNet members. DeviceNet was released at the ICEE show in Chicago, March 1994. Then, a year later,本文来自织梦
Allen-Bradley turned DeviceNet over to ODVA, Open DeviceNet Vendors Association.






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