GPIB(General-Purpose Interface Bus)-通用接口总线
1975年 HP-IB变成IEEE-488规范
1987年 IEEE488.2被采用, IEEE 488-1978变成IEEE488.1-1987
1990年 SCPI规范被引进IEEE 488仪器
1992年 修订IEEE 488.2
1993年 NI公司提出HS488
1965年, 惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard)规划了惠普接口总线(HP-IB, 用于衔接惠普的计算机和可编程仪器.因为其高转化速率(一般可达1Mbytes/s), 这种接口总线得到遍及认可, 并被接纳为IEEE规范488-1975和ANSI/IEEE规范488.1-1987. 后来, GPIB比HP-IB的称号用得更广泛. ANSI /IEEE 488.2 -1987加强了本来的规范, 准确界说了操控器和仪器的通讯方法. 可编程仪器的规范指令(Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments, SCPI)采用了IEEE488.2界说的指令结构,创建了一整套编程指令.
咱们运用一台计算机,经过GPIB操控卡能够完成和一台或多台仪器的听、讲、控功用,并组成仪器体系,使咱们的测验和丈量作业变得方便, 简洁, 准确和高效。经过GPIB电缆的衔接,能够方便地完成星型组合、线型组合或许二者的组合。
GPIB interfaces are commonly found on most test instruments today and Agilent has a wide range of GPIB products to help you connect and control your instruments easily, and affordably..
Save TIme, money, and increase producTIvity today by selecTIng the right product for you in the list below
Plug and play interface
USB 2.0 interface (USB 1.1 compaTIble) and IEEE 488 interface (connect up to 14 GPIB instruments)
Standard – industry libraries mean you don´t rewrite software. IO Libraries Suite 15.0 now shipping
High-speed – transfer over 1.15MB/sec
Added feature – Parallel Polling (check response of up to 8 devices at one single poll)
The Agilent 82357B USB/GPIB Interface provides a direct connection from a USB port on your laptop or desktop PC to GPIB instruments. There are no switches to set, no PC cards to install, and no external power supplies required. Getting connected has never been easier.
Currently Supported Interface’s Matrix
This 12-page application note provides a variety of tips and tricks that will help you create flexible test systems that can easily incorporate USB, LAN, GPIB and RS-232C.