发现RESET一向在1V邻近,将RESET处的下拉%&&&&&%换掉后第一个过错没有,可是跳出下面的过错:No Cortex-M Device found in JTAG chain。
1 我遇到这个问题的原因是Boot1没接地,所以能够考虑下是否是硬件的原因
2 假如MCU出于reset状况,也会呈现这种状况。我的火牛板子,应为串口上有个复位的跳线被我端接后,一向不正常,拔掉就OK了!
3 我试过曾经正常的板和程序,现在均有问题,也看过了编译选项,有选的,不过换成MDK4.10就正常了,原因不了解
4 上面写的清楚啊,reset接地了。或许是编译选项里你没选器材?或许是下载选项里没选器材?
5 原子告诉我吧BOOT0设置为1,下载程序,再康复BOOT0为0,之后就能用了。
6 表现象是,能够下载,可是一运转就没办法中止,体系的提示跟楼主的相同。一开始以为是硬件或许ULink调试器设置的问题,查了好久,最终发现确实是主频过高。由于ST的比如代码,默许是8M晶振,锁相环9倍,成果我外部是25M晶振,就变成了25×9=225M!不知道什么原因,不过把频率改了,暂时没呈现问题。
7 In my own experience I have usually seen this error when either the ULINK2 is disconnected and reconnected while in the middle of a debug session or if you have some external hardware, outside of the control of the debugger, that is acting on your processor.
If the ULINK2 was disconnected mid-debug, then usually cycling power to your device will fix the problem.
If you have something like a watchdog timer that is trying to reset the processor while you are in the middle of debugging, then you will have to disable the watchdog before you can start a debug session